Thai fish broth

Feb 22, 2022 | Recipes, Seafood

Gentle, subtle and super delicate this soup is a nourishing winner. Simple to make and adapt, wow your own socks off in the kitchen.

Thai fish broth
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 4


  • 1 litre filtered water
  • 8 spring onions finely sliced
  • 2 stalks lemongrass sliced in quarters lengthways to release flavours
  • 6 kaffir lime leaves veins removed
  • 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
  • 1 green chilli deseeded and finely sliced
  • 4 skinless fillets of white fish
  • 16 coriander leaves



  • Place all the ingredients except the fish in a saucepan and warm gently for 10 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse
  • Place the fish on a steamer over the water and cover the saucepan, bringing it to a simmer for 10 minutes until the fish is cooked through
  • Serve the clear broth with flakes of the fish and a garnish of coriander leaves

Tops tips

  • Make plenty of this recipe and take the broth to work in a thermos instead of tea or coffee
  • This would be amazing with prawns instead, or as well as the fish
  • Remove the chilli for a really exquisitely delicate taste

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Oh my… so gorgeous, so moorish and super nutritious too… a winner all round.
