Hot Topics

There are always topical issues circulating around our workplaces, sometimes specific to our particular work, sometimes bigger societal questions. In this section of the Nurturing Care Nurturing Nurses and Midwives website, we are going to put things on the table, pose questions for discussion and unpick some of the nitty gritty bits about life and the lessons on offer every day.

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Patient services – more than just admin

The all embracing observations of a ward clerk

Is anyone’s job really more important or less important than anyone else’s? 

A midwife’s realisation of how she perceives the value of different job roles

Anything goes fritters

These fritters are full of vegetables and are super fun to make

Delicacy at work in the health care profession

There is a quality of delicacy possible, which when experienced and felt in the body, is so exquisite and so impactful that it deserves consideration.

In celebration of women as the midwives we all are

In honour of women and the return to the true qualities we embody and are beautifully responsible for upholding for all

The magic and other stuff of night shifts

Exploring the challenges and joys of working night shifts


Oh my… so gorgeous, so moorish and super nutritious too… a winner all round.

Burn out in nursing and a nurse’s self care experiment

An exquisite sharing about the impact of taking responsibility for, and care of, ourselves

Observations of a midwife returning to practise

A frank and honest observation about what is going on in our health care services

Moroccan inspired lamb mince

A simple and enriching recipe that will nourish and warm you from the inside out
