Nurturing Care Nurturing Nurses & Midwives

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What does self care mean to you?

What does self care mean to you?

A team of colleagues were talking about self care the other day, a topic that is much discussed at the moment, and the question ‘What does self care mean?’ was posed. It stopped us in our tracks because, like so many buzz words, we realised that there are many interpretations of self care. So, we put it on the table as the next hot topic for Nurturing Care Nurturing Nurses and Midwives. And this is what people had to say:

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The nurse, the midwife, the mother, the woman

The nurse, the midwife, the mother, the woman

When we realised that one week in May includes the ‘International day of the midwife’, ‘International day of the nurse’ and ‘Mother’s Day’, the NCNNM team decided to pose a question to colleagues about what this means to them. Under the working title of, ‘The nurse, the midwife, the mother, the woman’ this is what some colleagues shared.

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Blueberry muffins

Blueberry muffins

These gluten free muffins are easy to make and perfect for lunch boxes – an awesome alternative to sugary snacks and perfect for sharing.

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Self care meets true care in nursing

Self care meets true care in nursing

Nursing is an incredible profession. Sometimes we can become so busy with all that we need to do for people in our care that we can overlook how powerful the simplicity of nursing care really is. Very simply we are in a position where we can connect deeply to people through...

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