A moment to nurture…

This hot topic explores ‘A moment to care and nurture’, what this means and why it is important.

The entitlement to ill health because health care is free

Does free health care feed lack of responsibility for our own health?

To hold a new born baby

A new born baby is and represents the purity we all are, not a blank canvas as some would have us believe…

The magic of mentoring

How being mentored has inspired me to be a mentor for others

Washing hands and taking a moment

The simplicity of taking reflective caring moments in the midst of our days

Roasted fennel soup

Nourishing, restorative and super simple to adapt to your taste, this soup will see us all through the winter months

Nurturing Care, Nurturing Nurses & Midwives have a deep love of our work and know the way that we all work with people is vital for the overall health and well-being of our communities. With all that is happening in our current times in healthcare, it is important to remember the enormous value in the true care of nursing and midwifery.

How often do we stop and appreciate those ’small’ moments that have such a significant impact on people’s lives; the slightest interaction that touches people deeply?’ 

The more respectful I am towards my body, taking care of and being honest about what truly supports and nurtures it, the more consistent and able I am to sustain my work life

We are not responsible for our patients’ health or choices in life. They have lived many years before we meet them in the hospital. Just knowing this brings understanding; supports us in not being affected by their choices and/or feeling like we have to be able to ‘fix’ everything. 

Working together in collaboration will create the inspiration for us all to see beyond the challenges in the health care system and work towards our full potential within this profession

Incorporating some gentle exercise into our daily lives is a great support to reduce the stress and strain on the body that is often an end result of a busy day

In honour of us all and the true nurturing care that we bring
