Does free health care feed lack of responsibility for our own health?
Reflective practice
Reflecting on our practice as nurses and midwives is a very important part of our work. ‘Healthy’ reflective practice is about personal as well as professional development and can be the counterbalance to the critical culture and patterning that is prevalent in our workplaces.
Currently reflective practise is associated with examining our work to see how we can make improvements or how we could have done or approached something differently.
There is however more to it, given that on a daily basis we move through many different interactions with many people, we have frequent opportunities to observe, appreciate and learn throughout the day and this goes way beyond just our technical skills.
Allowing ourselves to observe, openly and without critique, what is offered by all the reflections around us every day, means we can respond to the learning and go deeper with our relationship with ourselves and others.
The way we reflect on our practice determines what we learn and what we come to understand and how we grow as nurses and midwives. It can support us to appreciate what we have done and how we have supported others, rather than only focusing on perceived shortcomings.
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To hold a new born baby
A new born baby is and represents the purity we all are, not a blank canvas as some would have us believe…
The magic of mentoring
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Washing hands and taking a moment
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Patient services – more than just admin
The all embracing observations of a ward clerk
Is anyone’s job really more important or less important than anyone else’s?
A midwife’s realisation of how she perceives the value of different job roles
Delicacy at work in the health care profession
There is a quality of delicacy possible, which when experienced and felt in the body, is so exquisite and so impactful that it deserves consideration.
The magic and other stuff of night shifts
Exploring the challenges and joys of working night shifts
Burn out in nursing and a nurse’s self care experiment
An exquisite sharing about the impact of taking responsibility for, and care of, ourselves
Observations of a midwife returning to practise
A frank and honest observation about what is going on in our health care services
The toxicity of gossip
Waking up to the toxicity of gossip and idle chat