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What could be behind our poor communication in healthcare?
Looking at self-worth and the impact this has on our communication
Do we value ourselves as nurses and midwives?
An important question as the situation within health care intensifies…
Watching and waiting… working outside the stranglehold of time
Are we caught in an illusion of time that has us as hamsters in wheels? Is there another way to live and work? This midwife says yes…
Can men care?
Great questions raised about male nurses’ perception of the way that they care for others and themselves.
True care is very simple
How life changing warmth and true care can be… it’s so simple
My Dad’s death – appreciating extra-ordinary care
An exquisite and tender sharing – one woman’s experience of her father’s death and the extra-ordinary care they received
Working in high octane environments and staying steady
It is the simple things in life that keep us steady and well. This article explores the basics…
The appendix in bed one
A nurse’s reflection on the importance of person centred care
Born to nurse
An exquisite journey through a life destined to care.
Florence Nightingale and the qualities of true nursing
Florence had it… have we lost it? Do we still value the warmth, love and care so natural to us that goes hand in hand with our technical skill?
Self care meets true care in nursing
Nursing is an incredible profession. Sometimes we can become so busy with all that we need to do for people in our care that we can overlook how powerful the simplicity of nursing care really is. Very simply we are in a position where we can connect deeply to people through...
Midwifery wisdom and knowledge – an important pair
To work within hospital guidelines, seek best practice, learn from every woman in our care, read up on conditions, understand mechanisms and ask questions when unsure is our gold standard of midwifery care for women. We work within frameworks to keep women, babies and...